Tuesday 3 January 2023

New Year's Resolution Tips for those who haven't yet decided


                                        Happy new Year Everybody

Following are some of my New Year's Resolution which might help u to decide resolutions for yourself

1. Workout consistently
Remember our body is designed in such way that we need to move from our room 
Working out doesn't necessarily means that you should join fancy Gym or Buy expensive Workout equipment, instead you can start by simple and effective ways of workout. 
Like walk for at least 30 minutes in open park with fresh air 
Start 20 minutes of meditation or any breathing exercise 

2.Upgrade your Wardrobe
Regular wash your dirty clothes
Wearing clean clothes gives you the confidence you need to start your day 
Scientific study shows that wearing clean clothes helps to be more productive and energetic 

3. Stop using Social media  
I am not asking to completely stop using social media instead less the hours you spend on phones laptop and tv and also have a track on how much unnecessary time is wasted on social media.

4.Avoid toxic People
Remember one thing in life, you cannot make everyone happy in your life no matter how much you achieve in your life 

5.Let others win argument 
Just like our physical fitness is important, our mental fitness is also very important.
Avoid arguments with toxic people 
By allowing others to win an argument will help be mentally fit and also reduce your mental stess which is very important in todays fast paced life.

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